For all of those who attended the Remembrance Day Service at Zorra Highland Park Public School on November 11th, 2013 it was a service that will long be remembered. Parents, grandparents, teachers and visitors could not
have been prouder. Under the leadership of teacher Mrs. Trish Robertson, the students presented the entire service. Grade 8 student Fraser Nagle played the bagpipes and led in the Color Guard and Wreath Bearers. Grade 8 student Andrew Stoddart, who is also a Navy Cadet, taught those involved the proper procedure for the marching on of the flags. The role of Master of Ceremonies was shared between Hannah Kirwin and Ashley Smith. The Last Post, Reveille and the Lament to the Fallen were all incorporated to provide a meaningful Service of Remembrance. All to a gym full of students who remained quiet and respectful throughout the entire service. Poetry and music presented by various students was interspersed throughout. Every class at the school had made a wreath as well as a wreath respresenting Canada, while outside the Canadian Flag was flying at half mast. The Service concluded with the Grade 7/8 students each presenting a brief summary of one of our Heroes of Zorra. Visitors were then invited to stroll the halls of ZHPPS to view the bulletin boards and displays that the classes had created. In an era when so often young people are criticized it is refreshing to know that these young people are being given the opportunity to actively learn and participate in learning why it is we have Remembrance Day. At a time when smaller, rural schools are being closed (or threatened with closure), this is just another reason why these settings provide our young people with the solid ground on which to grow.